Nesin Goes Global: The Michelle & Doree Perspective – Part 2

Nesin TherapyNews

It is becoming apparent that one could spend a lifetime of discovery in this land. The community gather, laugh and play every day in parks like this one. There is so much joy and beauty to see. (Also, note the “older” woman practicing tai chi just off the path. I bet she was in her 90’s.)

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BTW, we are working too!

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Jinhua Huange, Head of nursing at the Hospital of Fuzhou Province, and her precious daughter, Roulin, treated us to dinner. They referred to this meal as “just BBQ”. There are no repeat pics of dishes, btw. We are blown away by the hospitality here. The owner of the restaurant was so proud of the quality of the squid, he served it himself. The hand signs Michelle and Roulin are making mean “Happy and Full of Joy”.

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Our friends, Xiang and Yang, took us on a special trek up Gushan Mountain. The route we took was of locals, not the tourist route, which we appreciated. The climb up was the most exhilarating experience of my life. I am afraid of heights! Xiang met a local at the rest area where we sat and ate. He and his son were happy to help us down Gushan Mtn via a breathtaking “short cut”.

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From Michelle:

We are never without help! Everyone willing to try. Thank goodness for the internet and translating apps. Not perfect but enough to break the ice and begin conversations we will never forget!!

Let me tell you how amazing breakfast was today…poor Doree has cooked eggs for breakfast every day with beautiful fruits or vegetables. Then I tried to spoil her with Bok Choy and Benedict for Easter! This morning we got the guts to try the street vendor’s steamed savory buns…let’s just say we are not bothering to cook breakfast anymore! They were unbelievably delicious!!!!!!

From Doree:

The benedict and bok choy were great! Still, neither of us should be troubling in the kitchen when these savory steamed treats are basically $1.

Savory steamed buns and fresh pineapple to start our day. We have only met happy customer service hearts in China.

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And that is just some of their adventures in China thus far! Keep following our Facebook page and website to read and see more from Michelle and Doree, and from Janine and Karin, who are currently traveling to China to join in the adventure!


To Check Out Our Full Nesin In China 2019 Album On Facebook!