Tis The Season For Holiday Tips

Nesin TherapyNews

Written by: Dr. Elizabeth Whitehead, PT, DPT I recently read an Instagram post that compared preparing for Christmas to having an additional part time job for the months of November and December. How true is that?! The decorating, gift buying, gift wrapping, cleaning, cooking, gathering…as much fun as all of this is, it can definitely be stressful and exhausting. And …

Make PT Part of Your Regular Care

Nesin TherapyNews

Written by: Derrik Born, PTA Throbbing tooth pain? You know that your dentist can handle that sudden tooth pain as well as your regular cleanings and check-ups.  Nagging body pain?  A physical therapist can help with that.  But did you know that a physical therapist should be a part of your healthcare team as well, just like regular check-ups with …

Do I Need Pelvic PT During Pregnancy? (The Answer is YES!)

Nesin TherapyNews

Written by: Jamie Walden, Content Writer for al.com With pregnancy, there are certainly changes to contend with on the outside, but there are also big changes happening on the inside of your body too. If your OB hasn’t discussed matters of the pelvic floor (a network of muscles located in your pelvis that stretch like a hammock and serve as …

Wellness Begins Here

Nesin TherapyNews

Written by: Nesin Pelvic Health Clinic Team It’s time to talk about Pelvic Health. We knew it was time for a clinic specializing in pelvic pain, sexual health, pregnancy, incontinence and more, and we are excited to share the opening of Nesin Pelvic Health located in Downtown Huntsville in Mid-October! This will be North Alabama’s only dedicated clinic specializing in …

Tips for Back to School

Nesin TherapyNews

Written by: Dr. Elizabeth Whitehead, PT, DPT It’s the time of year that all parents have eagerly awaited. Especially this year. Especially after living through a pandemic for 18 months.  Especially after home schooling…and hybrid schooling…and virtual schooling…and quarantining…and cooking…and feeding…and working from home…and doing ALL the things for 18 months.  It’s time to send our children BACK TO SCHOOL! It’s …

Common Myths about Physical Therapy

Nesin TherapyNews

Written by: Dr. Amanda Spalding, PT, DPT, OCS, COMT So you’ve been referred to physical therapy. Now what? You’ve heard the gamut of stories ranging from wildly successful to absolute horror. You probably have lots of questions and concerns. Is it right for me? What are they actually going to be able to do for me? Am I wasting my …

The Inside Scoop on NesinFIT

Nesin TherapyNews

Written by: Jonathon Cooper, NesinFIT Clinic Director It began as an idea – how to “bridge the gap” between the conclusion of a patient’s physical therapy and their full return to an active lifestyle.  When I was presented with the opportunity by the owners of Nesin Physical Therapy to form a team and start a satellite clinic to achieve this …

Nesin Goes Global: The Michelle & Doree Perspective – Part 2

Nesin TherapyNews

It is becoming apparent that one could spend a lifetime of discovery in this land. The community gather, laugh and play every day in parks like this one. There is so much joy and beauty to see. (Also, note the “older” woman practicing tai chi just off the path. I bet she was in her 90’s.) BTW, we are working …

Nesin Goes Global: The Michelle & Doree Perspective-Part I

Nesin TherapyNews

As you may or may not know, members of the Nesin staff recently traveled (or are currently traveling) to China. They will spend a combined five-week period in Fuzhou, China, where, in conjunction with the University of Southern California (USC), Sarton Physical Therapy, and the Pelvic Education Alliance, they will be supervising and teaching Physical Therapy residents in two local …

Our Second Team Is Off To China!

Nesin TherapyNews

Janine Nesin, PT, DPT, and Karin Beck, PT, DPT, left today for their turn in Fuzhou, China! Check out the video below to see what they are most looking forward to about their trip to China and what tips Michelle and Doree (who are already over there) had for them before their departure. Also, stay tuned for our next blog …